Dog Training Tips: 7 Basic Dog Commands Every Dog Must Learn

Have you just bought your dog and are thinking where to start? First thing, you should work on it, teaching your pouch how to behave well. Without proper training, you can face lots of trouble. Since your pet is a part of the neighbourhood, it should be friendly, socialised and controlled, besides a well-trained dog is always a happy dog. So, good training will keep your pet healthy and well. 

You might be thinking about what to train first? Yes, there are 100s of commands to teach your dog. Not all of them are essential for your pet. There are only 7 basic commands that your pet must learn. Read this blog to know all these 7 basic commands and learn to teach them to your loving dog. 

7 Basic Commands for Dog

1. Sit

dog sit

This is the first command you can teach your dog. Through this command, your dog learns how to respond to any training. Follow methods which are positive and humane. Avoid scolding your dog, hurting your dog for not following your command, and this will create a negative vibe in them. Instead of those harmful training procedures use positive elements like rewarding delicious food for responding correctly to your command. To train your dog how to sit, you can follow these six steps.

  • Step 1

Hold a treat near your dog’s nose while he is standing. The treat should be delicious for your dog.

  • Step 2

Now move your treat at the arc over your dog head. When your dog tries to reach the treat his bottom will touch the floor to raise his head for the food. As soon as he sits properly, praise your pouch and give him the treat as a reward.

  • Step 3

Now practise this training number of times in a regular session.

  • Step 4

Now your dog understands that if he sits for a long time he will get the treat. So he sits for a long time. So the first part of your training is done. Now it is time to command him. Use the word SIT and eventually he will learn to follow your command SIT. Do not command your dog before they move into the right position otherwise, they will associate your command with the wrong movement.

  • Step 5

Now like, step 3 practise this number of times in regular sessions.

  • Step 6

Eventually, your dog will learn to sit followed by your command. When your training is complete,  say a cue word OK to your dog.

2. Lay Down

This is the most critical command you must teach your dog. When your dog learns to lay down, they can enjoy themselves. They can relax more with nature. When your dog learns to relax, they will not disturb the public or won’t be a threat to them. So you can take them for a walk, and can read a book by yourself without worrying about your dog.  To teach your dog lay down, you need to follow these 5 steps

  • Step 1

When your dog is sitting, take a treat in your hand. Follow this treat from their nose to chest. When they try to catch the treat they will lay down on the ground. Appreciate them and reward them with the treat.

  • Step 2

Practise this training number of times in a regular session.

  • Step 3

Now, when your dog going to the down position to catch his treat utter the word “DOWN”

  • Step 4

Like, step 2 practise this training number of times in a regular session. Remember, always keep your training session short. This will keep your dog positive.

  • Step 5

Give your dog a treat when he lay down for a long time. This way he will learn to lie down for a long time.

3. Stay

stay dog

When your dog learns to stay, it will remain with you. It won’t run in the street if your dog gets lost. So this command is also essential like others. Experts recommend training this command when your pouch is tired so that they don’t get too much hyper to focus. It might take a longer time compared to the other training. So, you need to be patient and arrange a bag full of a treat for the dog so that they follow your command. To train your dog this command follow these 6 steps

  • Step 1

In this step tell your dog to sit down.

  • Step 2

Now give your signal to stop. Use your palm to use it as a signal. Show a stop sign using your hand.

  • Step 3

Now let them lay down for a long time. Don’t immediately give them a treat. After a few moments or a few minutes treat them. This way you can train your dog to lay down for a long time. While laying down use the word STAY. Reward your dog if it stays for a long time.

  • Step 4

Practise this many times, increase the time between their stay and treatment. For example, give them a treat if they stay for 3 minutes. Second time increase it 10 minutes. 3rd make it 30 and then give him a treat. This way your dog will learn to stay for a long time.

  • Step 5

Now increase the distance between you and your dog. At first, take one step back and then give him a treat, gradually increasing this distance.

  • Step 6

After a few sessions in your house, practise this training in a different place. It can be your yard, your other parts of the house, your friend’s house, in the park etc. Gradually your dog will learn to stay for a longer period of time.

4. Come

Come on dog

If you take your dog off leashes, this command will help him to come back to you, and this is why this command is one of the basics that every dog must know. This command you to keep them stay with you when you see the danger, or if they suddenly break the leashes, this command helps them to get back to you quickly. To teach this command, follow these 5 steps

  • Step 1

Take food or a toy so that your dog finds a reason to come back. Show this treat or the toy to the dog to come back.

  • Step 2

Now run a little bit and bend down a little and with a friendly voice call them again. Utter the word “COME”.

  • Step 3

Now it is time to treat your dog. When your dog comes to you, gently hold their collar and feed them treats. Or let them play with the toy.

  • Step 4

Increase the distance between you and your dog. Do it slowly and gradually. So that they can detect your sound and come back to you.

  • Step 5

After a couple of training, you will see that your dog can follow your command. After a while take them outside to practise this training. If they practise it outside they will get more room to move and more association to coming back to you when you and your dog is outside.

5. Heel

heel the dog

Every dog should learn how to keep pace with your walking speed. So they can go for a walk with their owner. With this skill you will feel comfortable walking with your dog, your dog will know when to speed up and when to slow down and when to stop. If you have a healthy dog, then this skill is more than necessary since most of the time they pull off leashes. To train your dog heel, follow these 4 easy steps.

  • Step 1

Start it from your house. Select a spacious room. Now call your dog pointing to a place where you want him to walk beside you.

  • Step 2

Now treat your dog as soon as they come to you and start walking. Do this on a regular basis. Treat him delicious food when you follow your command. Say YES and then reward him.

  • Step 3

After a couple of training, you will discover your dog started to follow your command. Now increase your walking speed so that he learns to keep pace with your walking speed.

  • Step 4

Eventually, your dog will learn to heel or learn how to walk calmly by your side.

6. Leave

leave the dog

Sometimes a dog touches something which may danger their health or maybe simply dangerous for them. Taking those out from the dog might become tough if you don’t teach this command to your dog. To train this command, follow these 6 steps

  • Step 1

Offer your canine a tasty treat and motivate them to “take it” in an upbeat, pleasant voice.

  • Step 2

Hold a deal within your hand with your fist closed around it. – Your canine will probably attempt to nudge and lick your hand to get the treat out – do not reply to any of these attempts.

  • Step 3

Wait patiently and do not say anything. Wait for your canine to back-off from your hand, even simply slightly/momentarily. As quickly as they back-off and there is a small gap between your hand and your dog’s nose, open your hand,  launch the deal and provide them plenty of praise.

  • Step 4

Repeat these three steps until they consistently make the choice to leave the treat.

  • Step 5

Once your canine is constantly shifting away from the treat you can begin to add in the cue-word ‘leave’. Say this as they return off in a mild tone and then open your hand to provide them with the treat and loads of praise.

  • Step 6

Practise this training many times regularly.

7. Off

dog training methods

Some owners confuse command with off and down. Never do that. Teach your dog to get off from the visitor or something that is not expected from him to touch. Your off command will teach him that jumping off the furniture is inappropriate. To train this command to your dog turn back and say off, at the same time shake a plastic bottle filled with pennies. If bottle techniques do not work correctly, then grab her paws and command off. Try each of the methods a couple of times regularly and check which one works better with your pouch.

As you can see, dog training requires a huge time and effort. With a certification course, you can learn it more easily by the experts. They will share the tips and tricks to train your dog perfectly to follow your command. Moreover, with the accredited certification, you can start your career as a dog trainer too. However, it becomes a win-win situation when you enrol to an online dog training course. Because with this online course, you can access the content from any parts of the world anytime. This will save you money and effort. So, enrol in the certified professional dog training course today and boost your knowledge and career.

Every dog needs to learn the basic command. This will make your dog social and civil. But this should not be the ending. Since it is your dog, you need to train your dog more to stay loyal and connected with you. For more training, take expert help, enrol the certified online course and train your dog the best behaviour. With expert help, you will get the tips and tricks and can train your dog faster than anyone else.

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October 8, 2021

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