Many individuals appear to be unsure if foxes are dogs or cats. While the fox appears to share some characteristics and behaviours with both the dog (canine) and Is it true that they belong to the feline or canine family? And why do they resemble cats and dogs, even though they are only one of these species biologically?
To clarify your confusion, Let’s jump straight into the answers.
Table of Contents
Who Do They Look Like?
When answering the question, “Is a fox a cat or a dog?” This is the most apparent place to start. Foxes have cat-like eyes. Like non-domesticated big cats, they’re more active at night. Because it possesses retractable claws, the grey fox looks like a cat and can climb trees. And what about those whiskers? Like a cat’s whiskers, they’re long and sensitive. They also have slim bodies, similar to a cat.How Do They Hunt?
Is a fox considered a cat or a dog? So, how does it go about hunting? Just like a cat! They’re cunning creatures who enjoy stalking, pouncing, and even playing with their prey. They also hunt alone, unlike dogs, who hunt in packs.How Do They Kill?
Let’s take a step closer to determining whether a fox is a cat or a dog. What method do they use to kill? This will reveal whether a fox is a cat or a dog. Most dogs seize and shake their prey, but foxes kill with their teeth. Their teeth, like a cat’s, are long and narrow. “Foxes are cats” gets three points! It appears to be one of the weird facts about cats you probably didn’t know is that cats are foxes!
Behaviour as a Pet
Wild animals that can be kept as pets include foxes, dogs and cats. Exotic pets such as wolves and foxes are in high demand these days, and many people like having them as pets. They are fun, curious, lively, and energetic animals that make excellent companions and depend on people, but they must be carefully socialised from a young age.Biological Characteristics
The biological answer to whether foxes are cats or dogs is simple: they belong to the Canidae family, which means they are dogs. The Canidae family is named after the Latin word “canis,” which literally means “dog.”Domestic dogs, wolves, coyotes, foxes, jackals, dingoes, and many other extant and extinct dog-like mammals are all members of this family. You assumed foxes belonged to the cat family but couldn’t put your finger on why? In terms of appearance and behaviour, foxes and cats are also very similar. Let’s start with the physical resemblances between foxes and cats, then go on to the behavioural similarities.
Similarities Between Fox And Cat
- Baby foxes hiss and spit much like kittens
- Foxes make mewing noises and sharp cries
- The grey fox can climb trees much like cats
- Ventrally split pupils (like cats eyes) instead of round
- Foxes and cats share some of the same postures
- Cats share similar hunting techniques with foxes
- Foxes and cats have sensitive whiskers (longer than canines)
- Both animals have identical footing and feet
1. Physical Similarities
Foxes have similar optical anatomy to cats, with vertical pupils that narrow into slits and a reflecting membrane at the back of the eye. Both adaptations help you see better in the day and at night.- Grey foxes, at least, have partially retractable claws that can be extended to help them climb trees or retracted to pad quietly and discreetly.
- The whiskers of a fox are long and delicate, just like a cat’s.
2. Anatomical Similarities
One of the most intriguing similarities between foxes and cats is their eyes. Both animals have ventrally spit pupils (vertical) instead of rounds like dogs and most other mammals. This must be the biggest of the similarities, and it makes you wonder how they could share something as unique as their eyes but not be related.
As a nocturnal predator, the fox evolved tapetum lucidum, or the capacity to see at night, throughout a protracted evolutionary process. This was a big step forward for their species, offering them a competitive advantage in addition to their nighttime hunting abilities.
3. Hunting Habit
Cats and foxes have a lot in common when it comes to hunting. Wild cats and feral cats eat a lot of the same prey as foxes, such as rodents and small mammals. Hence their diet is more similar to that of foxes than to that of dogs. Cats and foxes have many similar sitting postures, hunting postures and also alert postures. Foxes will show alerting behaviour like a cat by standing sideways, with the hair standing up on their backs.4. Whiskers and Paws
The fox has very sensitive whiskers like that of a cat. They are much longer than the fox’s canid cousins, which gives them the ability to navigate in the dark. Whiskers can help detect object locations in the dark as well as air changes that help alert them to dangers in the wild. Their feet are also similar to that of a cat. Foxes have retractable claws, different from any other canid. The stance foxes stand-in and curl up and look much more like a cat than a dog. Foxes, like cats, use a death blow bite rather than shaking their victim while biting, as dogs do.5. Behavioural Similarities
Foxes hunt like cats—rather than hunting like their endurance hunter kin, foxes hunt quietly (foxes stalk and pounce like cats and sometimes play with their prey).- Foxes and cats both chase the same prey.
- Foxes, like cats, hunt in a solitary manner (as opposed to the group hunting methods of other canids).
- Foxes kill their prey in a cat-like fashion—most canids grip and shake their prey, while foxes bite to kill with their long, slender (again, cat-like) canines.
- A fox’s posturing is similar to a cat’s (fur lifted, back arched, stiff-legged prancing, and batting pounce).

Similarities Between Fox and Dog
The fox is a member of the Canidae family, which also includes wolves and dogs. They do, however, share several interesting characteristics with cats. Some foxes, for example, have vertical pupils and can climb trees.
Let’s start with the similarities between the fox and the dog
- Both foxes and dogs are Canidae
- They share a similar anatomy
- Foxes and dogs are both omnivores
- They both have snouts and a great sense of smell
- Both have large ears and are adept at hearing
1. Biological Similarities
Both animals belong to the Canidae family. However, they belong to different genera and species. Despite the fact that they share many characteristics, each animal accomplishes things differently. Dogs evolved from domesticated wolves over a long period of time and in two stages of evolution.
On the other hand, Foxes evolved into their own species about 7 million years ago after diverging from their common progenitor, the dog. Both foxes and wolves have been discovered with remains that demonstrate they have been a separate species for a very long time.
2. Anatomical Similarities
Both species have some anatomical characteristics. However, they are not identical. They both have snouts, which give them a keen sense of smell, ideal for foxes who still live in the wild and hunt with this ability.
Many wild dogs (and wolf-like canids), such as jackals and coyotes, nevertheless maintain those tendencies. They also have the same adorably large ears. They developed remarkable hearing in the wild when hearing and catching prey were essential for life. Domesticated dogs have excellent hearing and scent abilities. Dogs and foxes have very similar ears. Like many other animals, they have tails and utilize them to notify other animals for a variety of reasons, including being aroused, on alert, afraid, and more.
3. Omnivorous Characteristics
Many people believe that dogs and foxes are just carnivores. Although, this is not the case. Dogs and foxes are both omnivores, meaning they eat both meat and plants to thrive. Foxes, unlike dogs, require a vitamin called taurine to survive. It is derived from animal tissue and is essential for the health of foxes. It can cause blindness and other problems if you don’t have it.
So, finally, from the article, we get to know that Canines, or more specifically Vulpini, include foxes (see information below to explain further). Canids are members of the Canidae family, including foxes, dogs, wolves, coyotes, dingoes, jackals, and lycaons. There are two groups within the Canidae family. The “true dogs” known as canines and belonging to the tribe Canini, as well as the foxes belonging to the tribe Vulpini, make up these two groupings. Some people refer to foxes as “feline dogs” because of their resemblance to cats; however, this is only an observation and nickname based on looks or other characteristics; scientifically speaking, foxes are not related to felines.
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